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What can Rolfing™ do for me?

The value of Rolfing™ is not only in the physical manipulations of the body, but in the way that it empowers the client with knowledge of how their body works and how to support it for optimal health and well being, now and far into the future. Sanctuary Body Rolfer Gabe Ewing shares some insight.

Rolfing with Gabriel Ewing at Sanctuary Body, Baltimore

“When I am asked the question, ‘How does Rolfing™ benefit people?’ the first answer I must give is, ‘It depends’. This is because Rolfing is undertaken in a holistic manner that focuses on the individual needs of each unique client and their particular goals.

“With that being said, there are some clearly definable changes that are experienced by nearly all clients who seek out Rolfing. They include improved range of motion, coordination, and posture, and greater ease of movement. Rolfing also enhances three kinds of physical awareness – exteroception (awareness of sensory input and the environment), proprioception (awareness of the body’s position in space), and interoception (perception of feelings and processes going on inside the body). Finally, Rolfing teaches us about how the joints and structures of the body work in their individual and collective ways to move us through the world and meet the various demands of life.

“As a philosophy, Rolfing isn’t only interested in IF a joint can move or IF systems of the body are working together for coordinated action, but HOW they are working and moving. Is there an opportunity to optimize that movement? Are the tissues or structure limiting this optimization, and if so, what can be done to provide the structure with support, or the tissues with space?

“Through this exploration, the client and their Rolfer gain an understanding of the client’s body, its patterns, and how they can be optimized to help the client move and feel their best in the short and long term.

“When working with clients at Sanctuary Body who are also enrolled in personal training or Pilates, we have the opportunity to maximize the benefits for the client with a coordinated approach. As a Rolfer, I collaborate with the client and their fitness trainers to develop specific programs around their wellness goals and any limitations or restrictions they are facing. By combining our skills and expertise, we achieve even more transformative and lasting results for our clients.”

Sound good? Let’s create a custom fitness training and bodywork plan to help you build YOUR best body in less time. Schedule a New Client Consult to get started.

Wellness Wisdom

No pain, all gain.

Is pain getting in the way of staying fit and healthy? …this one change can lead to a cascade effect of declining health. It doesn’t have to go that way. Here are a few key things to remember when exercising

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Rolfing with Gabriel Ewing at Sanctuary Body, Baltimore

What will Rolfing™ do for me?

The value of Rolfing™ is not only in the physical manipulations of the body, but in the way that it empowers the client with knowledge of how their body works and how to support it for optimal health and well

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New Client Consult

A Sanctuary Body pilates instructor adjusts her client's posture

The Sanctuary Body approach to training is something you really have to experience. That’s why our new client intro session includes both an in-depth fitness consultation and a personalized demo workout.

Pete Johnson, Personal Trainer at Sanctuary Body

What can Rolfing™ do for me?

The value of Rolfing™ is not only in the physical manipulations of the body, but in the way that it empowers the client with knowledge of how their body works and how to support it for optimal health and well being, now and far into the future. Sanctuary Body Rolfer Gabe Ewing shares some insight.

Rolfing with Gabriel Ewing at Sanctuary Body, Baltimore

“When I am asked the question, ‘How does Rolfing™ benefit people?’ the first answer I must give is, ‘It depends’. This is because Rolfing is undertaken in a holistic manner that focuses on the individual needs of each unique client and their particular goals.

“With that being said, there are some clearly definable changes that are experienced by nearly all clients who seek out Rolfing. They include improved range of motion, coordination, and posture, and greater ease of movement. Rolfing also enhances three kinds of physical awareness – exteroception (awareness of sensory input and the environment), proprioception (awareness of the body’s position in space), and interoception (perception of feelings and processes going on inside the body). Finally, Rolfing teaches us about how the joints and structures of the body work in their individual and collective ways to move us through the world and meet the various demands of life.

“As a philosophy, Rolfing isn’t only interested in IF a joint can move or IF systems of the body are working together for coordinated action, but HOW they are working and moving. Is there an opportunity to optimize that movement? Are the tissues or structure limiting this optimization, and if so, what can be done to provide the structure with support, or the tissues with space?

“Through this exploration, the client and their Rolfer gain an understanding of the client’s body, its patterns, and how they can be optimized to help the client move and feel their best in the short and long term.

“When working with clients at Sanctuary Body who are also enrolled in personal training or Pilates, we have the opportunity to maximize the benefits for the client with a coordinated approach. As a Rolfer, I collaborate with the client and their fitness trainers to develop specific programs around their wellness goals and any limitations or restrictions they are facing. By combining our skills and expertise, we achieve even more transformative and lasting results for our clients.”

Sound good? Let’s create a custom fitness training and bodywork plan to help you build YOUR best body in less time. Schedule a New Client Consult to get started.

Wellness Wisdom

Sexy tango dancers with beautiful body alignment

Get Aligned

Exercising with proper body alignment can take years off your appearance – add active years to your life.  Sexy, right?

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New Client Consult

A Sanctuary Body pilates instructor adjusts her client's posture

The Sanctuary Body approach to training is something you really have to experience. That’s why our new client intro session includes both an in-depth fitness consultation and a personalized demo workout.

Pete Johnson, Personal Trainer at Sanctuary Body